Xdmx Distributed Multihead Display
This is a page on how to set it up in Ubuntu.
What it misses is that you have to forward your font paths to the multi-head array.
To do this you need to have NFS Service running on your "control" PC and add the X11 font path to the exports.
Then mount this export at the same path on the "display" PCs.
It actually explains it in the man pages, but like any good engineer I didn't RTFM.
So the steps are like this:
- Download and install this package
- wget http://grahams.free-online.co.uk/uploads/xdmx_1.1.1-21etch5_i386.deb && dpkg -i xdmx_1.1.1-21etch5_i386.deb
- Install the NFS service:
- aptitude install nfs-kernel-server
- Export your font path
- "/usr/share/fonts/X11 *(ro,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)" in /etc/exports and restart your NFS service
- Mount the font path locally on the display PCs
- mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/X11; mount -o nolock <control PC ip>:/usr/share/fonts/X11 /usr/share/fonts/X11
- Then run the server
- Xdmx :1 -ac +xinerama -input :0 -display <display PC 1>:0 -display <display PC 2>:0 -fontpath /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc
NOTE: If you are attempting this from a live Ubuntu disc you will need to copy the /usr/share/fonts/X11 to /dev/shm, add that into your exports, and mount /dev/shm/X11 to /usr/share/fonts/X11 on the display PCs instead.
You will also need to use "/dev/shm/X11 *(ro,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure,fsid=1)" in /etc/exports
Also check out this