Quantum Physics is God's fingerprint

a.k.a Is this the real reality?

In a nutshell: Quantum Physics looks like it could confirm in a very real way that God created the universe.

This page explains it: Genesis, Quantum Physics and Reality

I figure that we humans aquired the ability to create the universe when we ate from the tree of knowledge.

Apparently, we were supposed to acquire God like abilities.

[4] But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. [5] For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." [6] So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. [7] Then the eyes of both were opened

Genesis 3 NRSV

They became our Quantum Physical "Observers"

Genesis (New Revised Standard Version)

Now my wife (who is a psychologist) pointed out the notion of the "self-fulfilling prophecy".
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior.

Which is an interesting and apparently relevant concept.
This puts in psychological terms what Quantum Theory states: The observer makes it happen because they go looking for it, thus finding what they are looking for and stating, "See, It was there all along".

There is a bit of a dichotomy is this: Did we go looking for Quantum effects and therefore find them?

So the real question is: Has God left a signature or window into Gods reality with Quantum Physics?
Or is it yet another creation by the observer?

I'll leave you with that, but if you think about it the answer is irrelevant.

Does Quantum Physics Prove God? "Categorically not" According to Ken Wilber

This one is interesting since he is always arguing the point from the classical view, but refuses to accept this could be flawed.
This would not normally be a problem except he says, "Neither perspective is more real than the other, but each perspective does disclose different truth" in the context of 1st person vs 3rd person perspectives.

He also attacks the belief which I share: "That belief requires the enormous self-infatuation and narcissism, or "boomeritis," of the post-modern ego,
and Ken goes into the possible psychology behind all of that."
So, Ken, we are all stupid and mental, and should be more like your sane, intelligent self then?

The article finishes to say, "Ken goes on to suggest that what might be influencing quantum realities is not Suchness per se, but bio-energy or prana,
which may be the source of the crackling, buzzing, electric creativity that so many theorists have tried to explain at the quantum level."

"bio-energy" and "prana", "the notion of a vital,
life-sustaining force of living beings" (apparently found in "its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women"!)
An interesting read!

What a biological, universal energy?
A kind of spirit?
Like... the holy spirit?
Good one Ken!

What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole.

This is a film cut into 15 parts presumably to fit onto You Tube.
The whole film is over 100 mins long and the parts are intended to be watched in sequence.

I do not necessarily agree with all the stuff in this movie, but the Dr Quantum clips do explain in almost childish terms the theories,
constructs and experimental findings of Quantum Mechanics.
They also explain some of the workings of the brain and how it interprets senses and communicates the interpretation to the cells in our bodies.

The film is part fiction and part documentary.
The fictional part is there to put the science into a real context for us mere lay people to understand.

I don't believe the physical and biological content to be inaccurate, since there doesn't seem to be any critics who will say this.
They say that it is not real science or that it is just plain not real,
but there doesn't seem to be any dispute about the accuracy of the physical and biological content.

Clearly the interviewees are passionate about their subjects.
Draw from it what you want.

Check out: Youngs double slit experiment

In this it explains the apparatus described as the "observer".
They use the effect the particle (a photon in this case) has on an atom.
The issue is the atom also has an effect on the particle in the classical sense which changes the outcome.
They attempt to compensate for this and seem to made some progress with a partial reproduction of the wave effect with the detectors present.

As I read through the links about the Copenhagen Interpretation and Instrumentalism (a popular physics view which apparently closely relates to Pragmatism)
I find myself seeing the realm of Physics spilling over into the world of Philosophy.
Average, ordinary people like you and me are really as good a judge as the scientists as to what it all means.
It's all really a question of perspective.

God and Cosmology I - God's Shadow

Me, well I'm a christian, so I guess that means I'm biased, but I'm also an intelligent, rational and logically-thinking adult.
I'm not arrogant, conceited and stupid enough to say that generations of physicists should be burned at the stake,
"because they are obviously wrong if they disagree with Genesis!".
But then again I'm not going to just allow myself to be biased away from my beliefs and experiences
by the comfort of the "classical" way of thinking.

I have a question to the atheists.
This is a genuine question and I would like to hear/see an answer.
The question is this:

If this is just one big accident and there is no reason or meaning to life, why do you live it?

Now do not misunderstand the nature of the question.
I don't mean: It hopeless, why not end it all.
I mean what is to stop someone, even your parents or children, just killing you at a whim.
What's to stop me going on some rampage and wiping out a street or school with some household implement.

Under what moral system did the cavemen stop killing everyone and everything?

A what point in the history of mankind, or any sentient being, did the sanctity of life become valued?


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